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"Proactive Management for the wise investor"

Performance Property Management is a full service management company that specializes in managing...


  • Single family homes

  • Duplexes

  • Triplexes

  • Fourplexes

  • Small apartment complexes

Residential Property Management is all we do!

Homes in Fresno

The following is a brief outline of general services included in our monthly management rate:


  • Inspect and make recommendations of work necessary to prepare your property for rent.

  • Install professional signage at your property during vacancy (marketing).

  • Provide detailed 24-hour rental information via our website, photos included.

  • Our company pays for Adword™ programs to ensure that our website is in the top results when specific words are searched in major search engines, such as Yahoo®, Google® and Bing®.

  • Market vacancies on alternate internet websites such as Zillow, Trulia,, Hot Pads, Craigslist & more.

  • Personally show your property to prospective residents.

  • Conduct complete and thorough screening of all applicants.

  • Prepare a written inspection sheet along with digital photos of your property prior to resident's move in.

  • Correspond with residents via phone, email & text.

  • Coordinate all necessary repairs & maintenance.

  • After-hours call center for 24-Hour emergency maintenance service.

  • Correspond directly with vendors & contractors.

  • Negotiate competitive rates with high quality and responsible contractors/vendors.

  • Pay operating expenses from owner's trust account.

  • Conduct regular monthly exterior inspections of your property.

  • Firm rent collection.

  • Properly prepare and serve all legal notices.

  • Regular rental market evaluations (to determine market rent increases).

  • Conduct Resident's move-out inspection.

  • Preparation of resident's security deposit disposition.

  • Prompt, accurate and "easy to read" monthly financial reports that include accounting of your cash flow and all paid receipts for your tax records.

  • Our company has implemented some of the most advanced technology available to maintain our property management tasks, including our client's financial reporting. The use of such technology reduces waste and costs allowing our company to streamline our service while becoming a more environmentally friendly company. All of our reporting is prepared and securely stored online in your safe and secure Owner's Portal that maintains an archive of your monthly financial reports. Your Owner Portal is accessible 24/7 via the web, for your convenience.

  • Paper statements are always available upon request.

  • Timely owner disbursements made conveniently and securely by electronic deposit directly into your bank account.

  • Year end tax preparation of IRS Form 1099.

Management Rates

Our rates for management service are competitively priced. Due to variations of each property, we do not quote management fees without considering the type of property, number of properties managed for a particular client, general location and additional services that may be necessary. Please feel free to contact our office to receive a free, no obligation quote. Good management doesn't cost, it pays!

Our Mission:


Over the years, I've seen drastic changes in property management. The ever changing economy and Landlord/Tenant laws have made managing residential property a constant challenge. Although no one can eliminate all of the risks associated with owning investment real estate, our knowledge and experience can drastically reduce those risks. We attend regular classes and seminars to remain current in Landlord/Tenant laws striving to keep you and your investment out of harm's way.


There are a number of property management companies you can choose from, but I know that our high quality and efficient service is what sets us apart from the rest. Contact our office today for a free, no obligation quote.


CJ LeLievre President/Broker


Performance Property Mgmt., Inc

CA DRE Lic# 01457569

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